Here’s a double dose of duo news. First up, we have signed with Go Film in NY for Commercial Representation in the US. We’re very excited to join their roster and can’t wait to blow your minds with the work we’ll be doing with them.
Also on the NY front, we’ve got our “Spacious Thoughts” video for NASA playing at the Animation Block Party in Brooklyn at the end of July. Saturday the 31st to be exact at the BAMcinematek. NASA kicks it up a notch by dominating with two videos at the screening ours and Logans “A Volta”
The second round of news is really just a tease. Above & below are two images from newly completed projects. We’ll post links to the new work when they finally go online….when is that you ask? I don’t know I reply.
Block Party ahoy! I will be there being un-square. Your friend the Pasemko.